Monday, July 25, 2005

This weekend i read Morality for Beautiful Girls by Alexander McCall Smith, which Dad told me is easy reading, he'd read the lot, and that i'd enjoy.

It was fun seeing Valentino Rossi stand up after winning in the cold and rain at Donnington, now being 104 points ahead of anyone, and mimick playing a violin. It wasn't fun seeing him on the podium shivvvvverrrrrrinnnnngg his head off, cos also that means the weather's not that good in London. Gillespie didn't have a jacket on in the rain however, i noticed in the paper today.

It wasn't a shot in the face, being left-out-of-the-loop at the weekend, because i understood hysterical reactions and didn't take them to heart. Today was going to be another 'inside' day... yesterday I spent inside (the house) but i've already been on two 'errands' apart from the daily visit to the newsagent. I'm so much calmer now. I can take friends' and family foibles as they come, without being suffocated. Well, actually i wasn't quite sure of that today, but it's still early and i'll just work away doing what i do... keeping on track and not going backwards.

The bread that i made is still beautiful to eat. Because of the extreme emotional but controlled tasking of the last weekend, i have to be careful again of my tummy. I don't think i like reggiano cheese which was $8.89 instead of the commercial parmesan at 3.20 : anyway it wasn't flaky, and had hard white bits in it that didn't melt under the griller. Call me non-cultured, but when Michael sold it to me he said the taste was great - but i missed the taste of the parmesan i'm used to!


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