The simpler bread recipe in the heart cookbook provided much better results - well, so far : it rose within half-an-hour; mixing all the ingredients with a spoon, and almost whipping it, then just the one rise and in the oven for around half-an-hour. It's based on a Doris Grant recipe; her book provided many with inspiration. (The photo's not very focused but the cut bread is now in my tummy - very edible, not heavy at all - must be all in the whipping, which takes out the yucky bit about getting dough all over fingers. It rose to double original size).
I've decided to be nearly half-a-stone heavier, which means eating more, and in order to gain muscle rather than fat, to work out again. Hmmm, maybe eating more was the easy part!!! lol. I remember when i was much bigger, and it seemed that the consensus was that skinny women lived on their nerves; well mine have been overworked and it's not healthy. Oats are a good nerve tonic... then again, my memory has been underworked, and one of the human frailties as we grow older... that indian variety of basil, now what's its name.
So much advice about healthy eating to discover and sift through; and so many food blogs one could almost degustate!!!
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