Friday, August 05, 2005

This 'hay' diet (yeah, we were laughing at the pub about eating chaff) is taking a bit of mind-boggling getting used to (haven't started it yet).... i mean, if you can't mix starch and protein, that cuts heaps of thai food out, right? Apparently a swish hotel in London has a special menu to cater for Hay diets. And admitedly, the author, Doris Grant - who writes so enthusiasticallarly and friendly - does say that if your body is having trouble with the above mix then this diet will help, so it's not adamantly best for everyone (and i am having trouble and this seems the cheapest solution!). It was interesting reading that acid fruits are alkali food, and that alkali food, which we need in relation to acid food 4:1, is mainly expelled out of the lungs... and that our stumach creates different enzymes according to whether the food is protein or starch. All very interesting. In a way it reminds me of macrobiotics, cos of their 'yin' and 'yang', which i never understood (or didn't want to cos my favourite foods were all the wrong type) so it may be easier to understand that.

This time the photo is of an uncut loaf - the book says white flour has too many sick chemicals in it, but i'd bought the white flour already, because the recipe i first heard of 'doris grant' on used half wholemeal and half white. Also i'm going to get wheat germ - it should be organic, judging from the general gist of the book, but seeing as doris herself started on the hay system for a year without changing to wholemeal and organic (cos she didn't know at the time you should) it's all in the goodness of time.


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