Sunday, August 28, 2005

my boss's copy of the latest harry potter (cos of the fiasco below a few people said you can borrow mine) with the lavender sticky note, which told me it was for me from my jobshare partner, showing where i'm up to and which chapters to read in the next sitting; which i'm just about to do.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Wow. That was bloody hilarious. I was down to my last 5 bux the day before the day before payday. I met a friend who preferred a hot chocolate to a drink ("what is it with you and gin and tonics - hmph; fun darlink... ;-) and so i sat at the busstop until her bus came. Then when i was on the pedestrian crossing straight after the man in front of me turned around and pointed to the ground where there was a wallet surrounded in money. A guy in a car waiting for the pedestrians all to cross got out of his car and told me that it had fallen out of a guy's truck so i collected all the money and went to the corner where i searched through it and rang his mate and told him for the guy to meet me at the pub. While i was talking a man around my age or older stood just next to me, waiting for me to finish, and when i did, told me he was going to the pub too; that he was a grandfather and could he borrow some money, to which i replied no i'm broke til thursday. Seeing as i was going to the pub anyway, i spent my last note on a drink, and talked to my mate. Within 15 mins i saw a young guy (i looked at his drivers' licence to see what age he was and if there was a discrepancy he was gonna have to cough up his address and age) at the bar, talking to one of the staff i didn't know. He was so relieved he gave me a tip which in my predicament i wasn't going to refuse so i doubled my money!!!!! Hilarious and wierd.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Slightly nearing a cold, so am pulling back : sleeping it off. Quite busy : have to fit everything in, but nothing like a mon-fri working mother! Well, at least i posted. ;-)

Havent even done the sudokus in the paper since Tuesday, so should make that a - fun - prerogative.

Monday, August 08, 2005

i've got a great big pimple on my chinny-chin-chin! i wonder if that sort of stuff stops with men-o-paws ;-) So the space shuttle is going round the world for another 24 hours. Bloody hell guys if you're bored up there and web-surfing we're all with you! After all in a way i guess it's just another day-at work. TV shows have lost their magic lately. Got tons of organic flours and stuff today well not tons it came to under 20 bux : besan (chickpea) flour; wheat grain (dam i meant to get bran); psyillum (from India); and organic oats. Doesn't alter the fact i've got a huge big pimple on my chinny-chin-chin! LOL

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Actually tried citrus juice and milk this morning. I avoided the batch of grapefruits on the table like the plague cos i'd read they were bad for something; whereas tumeric is good for something! A friend read Harry Potter on Thursday even if i didn't (paid the full price to support the bookshop, even though they said 'we are obligated to tell you you can buy this much cheaper elsewhere' ... she reckons that they sell it underprice just to get people into the shop). Anyhow she's lending me her copy, even tho' i let out part of the plot of desperate housewifes (that bree's husband dies from the chemist's poisoning) that i found out on Letterman! Her closest said to me you know for a tiny person you've got the biggest mouth (!) ... anyway now, thanks to the above site, i know all about the last show in the series; i don't really watch it all the time, but like the music and the narrator's style. Seeing as i'm in the mood for spoilers, bold and beautiful's gone crazy again ... so now i don't have to watch that either !!! LOL

Friday, August 05, 2005

This 'hay' diet (yeah, we were laughing at the pub about eating chaff) is taking a bit of mind-boggling getting used to (haven't started it yet).... i mean, if you can't mix starch and protein, that cuts heaps of thai food out, right? Apparently a swish hotel in London has a special menu to cater for Hay diets. And admitedly, the author, Doris Grant - who writes so enthusiasticallarly and friendly - does say that if your body is having trouble with the above mix then this diet will help, so it's not adamantly best for everyone (and i am having trouble and this seems the cheapest solution!). It was interesting reading that acid fruits are alkali food, and that alkali food, which we need in relation to acid food 4:1, is mainly expelled out of the lungs... and that our stumach creates different enzymes according to whether the food is protein or starch. All very interesting. In a way it reminds me of macrobiotics, cos of their 'yin' and 'yang', which i never understood (or didn't want to cos my favourite foods were all the wrong type) so it may be easier to understand that.

This time the photo is of an uncut loaf - the book says white flour has too many sick chemicals in it, but i'd bought the white flour already, because the recipe i first heard of 'doris grant' on used half wholemeal and half white. Also i'm going to get wheat germ - it should be organic, judging from the general gist of the book, but seeing as doris herself started on the hay system for a year without changing to wholemeal and organic (cos she didn't know at the time you should) it's all in the goodness of time.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Must admit i was down last night - probably cos i was exhausterd, emotional and worried about my tummy pinching feeling... i didnt sleep for long before i was wide awake, at what i thought was dawn but was 2.30am... by the end (5.30) of lying on the couch doing sudoku and listening to the closed down SBS CD of harp music, Rolf Harris's animal hospital show and American live footage of the space shuttle mending of the eggshell-like tiles, i got to sleep again til 7.45, but realised that 2 days left of holiday was still 2 days plus the weekend of anarchic do-as-you-will, and that i was going to enjoy it. In other words i wasn't down anymore.

Had an amazing stroke of luck today, well... I'd taken in a box of books to the first bookstore that would take them, and they rang up and said i had a credit of $20. Well I'd seen the latest Harry Potter for $27.99-ish at KMart, so had $10-15 ready to hand over for the balance, and was going to spend a rainy afternoon (yes the weather finally broke, all holiday it's been almost summery, yesterday a touch of balminess even) reading it; but he asked for $25. I nearly had a fit - $45 when i could buy it for $15 less down the road! Oh but that's the recommended retail price he said. He asked me if i wanted cash and i said yes, but the other guy on the counter said that i couldn't, even though i protested that i'd told the guy on the phone i wanted HP which is why i'd gotten credit. Bloody hell... they said it was valid for 6 months, but i was a bit miffed, and went looking for another book - me, whose trying to downsize possessions to the ultimate. I thought of a new street directory, and then started to realise i might be overstepping the free 15-minute car parking deal i'd pressed into the metre - and then found food combining for health - and it wasn't til i got home til i realised that it was the book i was after once i'd found that amazing doris grant bread recipe!!!! Wow, so it worked out after all, and i can still spend the afternoon reading except that i've gone off tv-watching so might leave it til then! I've just had a thai garlic prawns meal, with a juice and dark orange chocolate (haven't read the book yet), and honestly can't complain :-D

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

There are a few shows about the Hiroshima bombing on the tv at the moment, it being 60 years. The first i knew about it was as an infant, going to Cheadle Hulme Library; there was a picture book describing what happened, and i remember sitting on the floor reading it in one go : i was probably about 9. Then in the early 1980's a heap of us had psychic readings from a lady called Cameron : she told me i had been imprisoned in Japan, although i looked Japanese, because i had an English father and passport; and died by my own hands in 1946 because the cancers from the bombings were killing me anyway (I tore this up yesterday : she also said i was going to be a musician and by now would have been married 25 years - deserve my money back love ;-). Late on Sunday night i watched Hiroshima (1995) which was really a doco with direct memories from survivors, both American vets and Japanese victims; and both simulated and real footage (the black rain). Yesterday a taxi driver from Hong Kong who moved here in 1964 told me, after saying he never went to pubs because from the start people called him a japo, defended the American bombing; his parents loathed the Japanese. That made it easier to watch a show the next night on the horrific Japanese prisoner of war camps. Tonight it is a show on the submarine that infiltrated Sydney Harbour. Funnilly enough i got some light relief as the BBC show, Night and Day, which was booted off in both UK and here for low ratings, but i found entertaining. I would never condone racism : however environment can affect and mutilate human emotions and behaviour. I haven't been to Japan, but this makes it clearer to me why people hated the Japanese ... in the same vein, i was vastly relieved when Keifer Sutherland started turning up in ads to say that 24 is not directed against Muslims, but against terrorists. That that had to be spelled out, and was, speaks volumes. Today's bread wasnt too good at all! ;-(