Friday, December 30, 2005

I'm constantly amazed at what Sudoku can do, in terms of awareness of concentration and other mental capacities. I had tried Tuesday's unsuccessfully 3 times, and then after getting Wednesday's out, using set procedure, I got it out no trouble. Reminds me of biorhythms in that certain days are more emotional/intellectual/physical than others.

Staying home today, even from the pub : reading two books concurrently : Meant to Be (Edie Claire) and Huna (Enid Hoffman) which reminded me of a paperback hanging round for decades that is essentially the same topic (bought secondhand; Secrets of Kahuna Magic, Brad Steiger) which i'm interested in for its links to hands-on healing, maybe only to convince myself it has merits. This is after watching 6 dvds in time to get 8 back to the shop yesterday. The fiction one is easily read, with digestible chapters and sparse effective descriptions. The non-fiction is one of those books that almost needs a pen and paper handy to put in a more self-designed digestable format, picking out salient points.

I sure hope the delivery van remembers to come today! It's quiet and peaceful, apart from the lady arriving for work in her big powerful blacked-out windows car, and me cross from last night when after discussing work in detail with a colleague, hurled her fast-food carton out the window before driving off. I think i got the point across, but the carton was under the car. It sure is a powerful car but; car noises being the only slightly abrasive part of the day!


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